Espacio en Blanco: Cuerpo I y II / Body I & II   (2009)

En Espacio en Blanco... parto de la relación ausencia-presencia abordando diversas formas de re-presentar el cuerpo y el espacio escénico. Busco la poética del momento, la experiencia en el encuentro con el público; descubrir el acto y la intención de estar presente en cada momento, lo absurdo del intento, la imposibilidad del aquí y la belleza del humor. Sin importar lo que este ‘cuerpo hace pero sí cómo lo hace - cómo se mueve, en qué se convierte, más allá de lo que el significado puede transmitir, creando espacio para que la transformación suceda - ser un cuerpo o un no-cuerpo, i.e. una silla, una pared, una esquina, un superhéroe, una fantasma, una mujer...

Espacio en Blanco: Cuerpo II / Body II


Describing a beautiful day

Is she a frog
Or a table

She is in the past
Remembering an incident in her

Now, she is in the future
Talking with somebody
I cannot recognize

Ah! this is why she has...
The white table cloth

She is moving now,
She is happy

And this is the sound of her heart

And this is the sound of her heart

And this is the sound of her heart

She got a message
She says she feels like sugar

She is an elephant
Looking for a place to die
She has a dry tongue
She has no face
But she will always be there for you

She is a comfortable chair
You can take home

Put her in your garden or kitchen
Fold her in 2

She will never make a sound
She will love you

Close your eyes
She is gone

She welcomes all of you
she says the audience to
say Hello! when I count to 3

who is here in the audience?

She is a nomad by nature
She was a Viking many years ago
Her skin is yellow

Make a wish!

She hope you enjoy the show

I am her
She is thinking?
Is she?
On what?


She is sad
But she has a happy face
When she sees you

She is a palm tree singing to the wind
She is a rabbit jumping
(in an) Unknown forest
She is the bear that every night comes out
looking for honey

She is light

She is a window
you can look through

She can move fast
but she has no bones

She can hardly feel

She is traveling
but she does not know it

She is chaotic when she hears
she is attracted to unknown things

She hears voices (in her head)
She follows her heart

She has a subtle smell

She is very, very sweet
but difficult to convince

She feels at home
wherever she is

She likes glossy things
a blurry gaze

She is inside
She is crawling to jump afterwards

Espacio en Blanco: Cuerpo I / Body I

Lista de palabras para Espacio en Blanco (residencia en la Barceloneta, BCN)

Piel Roja Mensaje Mesa (dibujo) 4 Patas Sin Huesos Futuro Nunca Te Decepcionará FELIZ Elefante ALICIA Lengua Seca AUSENTE Silla (dibujo) Cierra Los Ojos A Veces Escucha PASADO Bienvenidos !!! Cuenta Con Ella Para Lo Que Sea Siempre Te Amara PUBLICO Pide Un Deseo Te La Puedes Llevar A Tu Casa Fantasma (dibujo) La Puedes Poner en Tu Jardín PRESENTE Sin Rostro ROBOT 350 KG Mesa (dibujo) She Will Never Let You Down HAPPY She Got A Message WELCOME She Is Gone She Has No Face HERE 4 Wooden Legs She Is A Chair She Is Between You Her Skin Is Yellow You Can Take Her Home Dry Tongue Bear (drawing) Elephant Close Your Eyes She Is In The Past Put Her In Your Garden Who Is Here In The Audience? You Can Sit On Her She Has No Bones She Will Always Be There For You Make A Wish Fade Out